Welcome to the Camping Canucks blog, where we share stories of our hiking, backpacking, and canoeing trips around Kamloops, British Columbia, and beyond. Due to a number of factors, we no longer post new content but will continue to answers questions and comments as best we can.

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Crypt Lake – Waterton Lakes National Park

Crypt Lake – Waterton Lakes National Park

Waterton Lake National Park’s most unique hike is the Crypt Lake Trail, an 8.7km trek involving a boat, ladder, tunnel and rope with a picturesque lake at the top. We got tickets for the 9:00am boat ride to the trailhead; there is also a 10:00am option in July and...

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Wonder Pass – Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park

Wonder Pass – Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park

Our last day at Assiniboine (Day 5) started as the smokiest day since we had arrived three days before. Since it had not rained the previous evening (unlike every other night), the air had not been cleared of smoke. That meant that everything in the morning had a...

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Nub Peak – Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park

Nub Peak – Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park

Day four at Assiniboine began after yet another night of rain and thunderstorms,which once again proved why you want a tent that can ride out severe weather. We're sure that a few other campers at the campsite had a wet night as we saw some rather dodgy set ups and...

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Clearwater Lake – Wells Gray Provincial Park

Clearwater Lake – Wells Gray Provincial Park

For a few years, we had talked about getting a canoe and finally in the spring of 2013, we pulled the trigger and made our purchase. We had pretty well settled on the Clipper brand as we know many people who have them and a lot of good things are said about the brand....

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Cabin Lake

Cabin Lake

Not every trip we do is entirely done on foot and some of the best hikes and experiences we have had came about by driving to a new location and starting from there. Cabin Lake, near Mount Stoyama, is one such trip. Raegan had caught wind of this through the...

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Idaho Peak

Idaho Peak

Our original plan for the 2013 July Long Weekend was to backpack to Big Peters Lake in Monashee Provincial Park, but we encountered a rockslide that blocked the road in. So we had to move on to plan B, which resulted in us heading to New Denver and Silverton, in the...

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