by Jeremy | Jul 14, 2014 | Backpacking, Trips
Kirk and I are always looking to backpack into the alpine as soon as the snow is gone and June 2013 was no exception. We’d been keeping an eye out on the Well’s Gray trail report and as soon as the roads and trails were clear, we made a plan to head up to...
by Jeremy | Jul 6, 2014 | Backpacking, Trips
On the first weekend of July 2014, Kirk and I decided to head out to Trophy Mountain in Wells Grey Provincial Park for a couple of nights at Sheila Lake. Kirk had been up there a few times before but this was my first time. It’s been on my list for years but I...
by Jeremy | Jul 3, 2014 | Paddling
On the Canada Day long weekend of 2014, we decided to do a quick overnight trip on Adam’s Lake with the canoe. Having read some other trips reports about conditions and where to set in, we figured we would hit one of the forestry service sites on the west side...